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 My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !

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3 participants
Kane ~ Laulo
Kane ~ Laulo

Messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2012

My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Empty
MessageSujet: My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !   My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 13:43

Prénom, Pseudo : Laurent, Laulo.
Âge : 12 ans.
Localisation : Eure et Loire.
Catcheurs préférés : Kane, Cena, ReyRey...
Divas préférées : Kelly, Eve...
Catcheur ou Diva voulu(e) : Alberto Del Rio.
Prise de finition : Cross Armbreacker.
Face/Tweener/Heel : Heel.
Gimmick: Se croit meilleur que tout le monde.
Comment avez vous connu ce forum ? : Jéjé
Votre première impression : Nice graph' Wink
Graphiste : Je vais mis remettre je pourrais peut etre aider.
Savez vous bien speecher : You will See !
Booker ? Pourquoi pas.

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Show Off.

Messages : 217
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2012
Age : 27
Localisation : Marseille, France

My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !   My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 13:44

Bienvenue !
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Messages : 1373
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2012
Age : 25
Localisation : Là.

My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !   My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 13:45

Hellow. C'est ok, signature + avatar 200*300.
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Kane ~ Laulo
Kane ~ Laulo

Messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2012

My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !   My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 16:25

Merci ! Smile
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Show Off.

Messages : 217
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2012
Age : 27
Localisation : Marseille, France

My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !   My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Icon_minitimeLun 10 Déc - 6:07

De rien.
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My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !   My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That ! Icon_minitime

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My Name Is Alberto Del Rio, But You, You Allready Know That !
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